Our Concept

NIEM aims to address the needs of today's youth by providing practical and pragmatic mentorship to young entrepreneurs. While there are numerous institutes and organizations offering academic training and courses in entrepreneurship, NIEM recognizes the importance of leveraging the wisdom and experience of successful entrepreneurs to guide and support the next generation. Its focus will be to:

  • Develop strategic business thinking in mentees through guidance from successful mentors.

  • Mentor will help mentee analyze his problems in a logical and critical manner by asking the right questions.

  • Mentoring will be done according to the mentees’ state of mind and state of business.

  • Our mentors are putting in their time and effort as their way to give back to society and contribute to the growth of entrepreneurship in the country.

  • NIEM and our mentors can help entrepreneurs connect with our network for exploring business possibilities to support their business.

  • Young entrepreneurs can access our resource library that includes case studies, inspiring stories, research papers, videos etc. to hone their skills & knowledge or engage professionals from our expert panel.

  • Supporting Incubators in their capacity building for more effectively helping their incubatees overcome challenges.