
of Start-ups



Entrepreneurs who have made a successful Startup and are facing challenges in scaling up their business can apply for Mentorship.

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Successful Entrepreneurs with 20 years or more of Experience who are well established in business and eager to support, young and upcoming Entrepreneurs

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StartUp Incubator

Incubators who need support in capacity building and better handholding of their Entrepreneurs or more of Experience who are well established in business and eager to support young, upcoming Entrepreneurs.

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Welcome to NIEM

Guiding Young Entrepreneurs to Success

Majority of startups fail in India after successfully developing a product that the consumers in the market are willing to buy. This is a national waste of talent, enterprise and capital. NIEM aims to improve, through the right mentorship program, the success rate of scaling up of startups.

Mentorship of young entrepreneurs by seasoned and successful entrepreneurs/professionals will greatly help improve the chances of success of such enterprises. NIEM also provides support to Start-up Incubators in their capacity building to better address challenges faced by their incubatees. It would also act as a resource center for incubators and colleges.

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Our Concept

NIEM aims to address the needs of today's youth by providing practical and pragmatic mentorship to young entrepreneurs. While there are numerous institutes and organizations offering academic training and courses in entrepreneurship, NIEM recognizes the importance of leveraging the wisdom and experience of successful entrepreneurs to guide and support the next generation.

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